Monday, September 10, 2012

Where did they go?

Well, since our last post I have recovered from surgery and we've started back up with homeschooling. Not much has progressed on the cabin since then but we are slowly getting the ball rolling again!

We have started getting the windows framed out and the wall AC installed. We will probably have to replace that unit before next summer because we realized it's just probably not going to be big enough for my comfort. Hopefully we're in it by then. Haha

We have ordered the windows and the kitchen cabinets, which I am so excited about! We are getting our beautiful cabinets and windows from GH Slack & Son. If you're in need of windows and doors they're the place to go! They have great selections and great service!

We've also had two of the most awesome electricians from McCaa Electric, of course, start on the wiring. Whoo hoo!!! :)

This week we plan to drive to Visalia to check out a flooring supplier to check out their flooring options. We belong to a barter exchange and they are members so we hope to use barter on as many things as we can.

So that's pretty much it for now but I promise I will try and be better at posting updates as often as possible!

(To see the many ideas we are thinking about for the design and decor of the cabin click on my Pinterest link at the bottom of page. And if you know any sources or have questions or feedback, we'd love to hear from you!)

1 comment:

  1. I was so happy to see your post!

    I hope you are doing well after surgery.


